Strategy ’08

Obama vs. the other guy, 2008

It’s Really Very Simple

It was a landslide. Barack Obama crushed John McCain.

But, you’re going to have to contend with countless hacks, pundits, and others repeat the lie that it wasn’t a landslide because the popular vote margin was 52.3 – 46.2.

We had to listen to Mika B. continue her constant apologizing (does she have any other setting?) when she proclaimed the other day, “Let’s get one thing clear, this was not a landslide.” She joins the esteemed company of Sean Hannity who has a forum on his site explaining why 3.6% margin (um, it’s 6.1%) isn’t a landslide.

Um, yes it was. So let’s explain why very simply so that you can tell your friends, family, local papers, or anyone else who pretends that this wasn’t a landslide:

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November 10, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment